Those of you who’ve ever stayed in Prague will recognise a typical city loft apartment at once.
This one’s where we stayed when we were last recruiting potential HMBoys in town.
On that visit, most of our boys had been signed up at the city’s gay hotel Villa Mansland [see the review in our Conner’s Corner section of this site] – and a great bunch of goodlooking boys they turned out to be, too!
But, with only an hour or so left before our taxi was due to take us back to the airport, the apartment’s doorbell rang.
It was Luther.
He’d heard from a friend that we were in town and, if it wasn’t too late, maybe we’d like to use him as a model?
With most boys, that wouldn’t have been possible. By the time they’d got relaxed and familiar with exactly what you wanted them to do, the hour would have been up.
But Luther is a pro.
And, to prove it, he’d brought along a selection of DVDs in which he had taken leading roles (usually, just in case you’re wondering, almost always on the bottom!)
Soo, without further ado – and with the added incentive that we said we wouldn’t be paying him unless we got everything in the can before the taxi arrived – we started shooting.
Thankfully, Luther lived up to his star billing and we got the last shot in the bag and the camera put away in its case just as the taxi driver rang the doorbell.
Quite a memorable end to our visit to Prague, we thought.
*But to Luther, no doubt, just a typical hour’s work jacking off under the lights in yet another of those anonymous Prague loft apartments…