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With his auburn hair and his slightly impish looks, young Alexander Syden looks the very picture of innocent perfection – the kind of boy who would never for one moment think of doing anything improper. But as this scene with Tim Walker demonstrates, looks can be dangerously deceptive, for the fact of the matter is […]

Free Gay Porn for Christmass J/O

”Curiosity caught the cock” is a direct quote from our returning straight guy, Damian Taylor, in response to Caruso mentioning his first experience with gay sex at We guess that ‘curiosity caught the cock’ for the third time with Johnny Glyserin, now that he’s agreed to come back and hook up with Damian. After […]

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The boy was so cute but Peter was so sad afterwards. Why? Well, he met him in a shopping center outside of Prague. It was expansive to make him show his undies. But when the boy saw that the money is real it was almost easy to talk him into a blow-job. So far so […]