Hard discipline

Pupils are regularly disciplined for poor quality work, lack of effort or misbehaviour. The St Samuel’s philosophy is that discipline should be imposed swiftly and effectively. It almost invariably, therefore, takes the form of immediate corporal punishment that may involve the use of a cane or the hand (a helping hand to boys in need) […]

boys development’s control

Sponsors should note that St. Samuel’s medical staff are currently taking a leading part in a global survey on male adolescent growth and development. All boys may, from time to time, be required to make themselves available as subjects for the survey. To ensure that accurate and consistent data is obtained from all those participating, […]

East European guy Kurt

We met Kurt at the Action Bar in downtown Budapest. It’s a great place.  From the street you walk down a few steps into a crowded basement.  At this time of year, it’s not only locals who are there but lots of tourists, checking out the local studs, exploring the darkroom or lusting after the […]